Born in 1974, attorney at law since 2003
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 212
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Liability of tax consultants and auditors
  • D&O liability/D&O insurance
  • pecuniary damage liability insurance
  • tax law/tax offences law
  • company law
  • litigation
  • „Gestaltungen mit Treuhandverhältnissen [arrangements with trust relationships]“ in the journal „Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater“ 2006, 44 et seqq.
  • „Problemfälle der GmbH –Managerbeteiligungsmodelle [Problems of the GmbH – managers’ profit sharing models“ in the journal „Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater“ 2007, 21 et seqq.
  • „Die Gesellschafterversammlung der GmbH & Co KG [The shareholders‘ meetings of the GmbH & Co. KG“ in the journal „Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater“ 2007, 349 et seqq.
  • „Upstream-Darlehen [Upstream loans] and Cash-Pooling in der GmbH” in the journal „Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater“ 2009, 342, “D&O-Versicherung: Zusammentreffen von wissentlicher Pflichtverletzung und weiteren fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzungen [D&O insurance: concurrence of conscientious breach of duty and other negligent breaches of duty], published in recht und schaden (r+s) 2019, 307
  • „Nachforderungen von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen“ in GmbH-StB 2020, 265 et seqq.
Other activities
  • Member of the Association of lawyers specialised in tax law
  • Member of the German association of pecuniary damage liability insurance (DGVH)
  • Member of the committee “Commercial and Company Law” of the Bar Association of Cologne