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We also welcome trainee lawyers (f/m/d) and scientific assistants (f/m/d) and offer them the opportunity to cooperate in cases and receive training. A personal mentor from our law firm will always be at your side to support you.
Why choosing WIRTZ KRANEIS? It is very simple: what matters to us are your ideas, and we allow you room to develop your individual personality. If you value respectful communication and our interdisciplinary exchange at a professional and personal level appeals to you we look forward to hearing from you:

Born in 1961, attorney at law since 1991
Languages: English, French
Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 206
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222
Practice Areas
- Advice on company and tax law, in particular formation and restructuring of companies
- M&A
- regulations of corporate succession and inheritance, each including the assessment of the relevant tax issues
- tax law consultation in tax investigations or auditing, appeal proceedings and fiscal court proceedings
- “Bankrottdelikte und übertragende Sanierung” (bankruptcy offences and reorganisation by transfer), RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, 1993
- Schwedhelm / Heinemann / Mohr “Gründung, Gestaltung und Betreuung der GmbH” (establishing, structuring and assisting the German Limited liability Company), Stollfuß 1995
- Tillmann / Mohr “GmbH-Geschäftsführer” (menaging director of a German Limited liability company), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 11. Auflage
- 2020″Praxisratgeber Unternehmertestament” (practical guide to the entrepreneur’s testament), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 2001
- “Die Angemessenheit der Gesamtvergütung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers im Gesellschaftsrecht” (reasonableness of the total remuneration of the managing director of German Limited liability companies in Company law), GmbH-Rsch. 2011, 402
- “Zur Schiedsklausel in der GmbH-Satzung” (the arbitration clause included in the articles of association of a German Limited liability Company), in: Festschrift für Michael Streck, 2011
- “Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – eine Lösung der Gewährleistungsprobleme beim Unternehmenskauf?” (Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – a solution of the problems of guarantees in case of company transaktions?), in: Festschrift für Bruno M. Kübler, 2015
- Regelmäßige Veröffentlichungen in “der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” (regular publications in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG
Other activities
- Lecturer at seminars and conferences on company and tax law (in particular German Bar Academy and Centrale für GmbH); member of the preliminary examination board “Lawyer specialised in tax law” of the Bar Association of Cologne
- Member in the executive committee of the “Working Group on Commercial and Company Law” within the German Bar Association.

Born in 1974, attorney at law since 2003
Languages: English
Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 212
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222
Practice Areas
- Liability of tax consultants and auditors
- D&O liability/D&O insurance
- pecuniary damage liability insurance
- tax law/tax offences law
- company law
- litigation
- “Gestaltungen mit Treuhandverhältnissen [arrangements with trust relationships]” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2006, 44 et seqq.
- “Problemfälle der GmbH –Managerbeteiligungsmodelle [Problems of the GmbH – managers’ profit sharing models” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 21 et seqq.
- “Die Gesellschafterversammlung der GmbH & Co KG [The shareholders’ meetings of the GmbH & Co. KG” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 349 et seqq.
- “Upstream-Darlehen [Upstream loans] and Cash-Pooling in der GmbH” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2009, 342, “D&O-Versicherung: Zusammentreffen von wissentlicher Pflichtverletzung und weiteren fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzungen [D&O insurance: concurrence of conscientious breach of duty and other negligent breaches of duty], published in recht und schaden (r+s) 2019, 307
- “Nachforderungen von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen“ in GmbH-StB 2020, 265 et seqq.
Other activities
- Member of the Association of lawyers specialised in tax law
- Member of the German association of pecuniary damage liability insurance (DGVH)
- Member of the committee “Commercial and Company Law” of the Bar Association of Cologne