Your career with WIRTZ KRANEIS: In good company, with respectful colleagues – right from the beginning!

In our law firm you will find the best opportunities to develop your professional skills – both as entrants and as professionals with relevant experience.

Your opportunities at WIRTZ KRANEIS

We also welcome trainee lawyers (f/m/d) and scientific assistants (f/m/d) and offer them the opportunity to cooperate in cases and receive training. A personal mentor from our law firm will always be at your side to support you.

Why choosing WIRTZ KRANEIS? It is very simple: what matters to us are your ideas, and we allow you room to develop your individual personality. If you value respectful communication and our interdisciplinary exchange at a professional and personal level appeals to you we look forward to hearing from you:

Dr. Randolf Mohr
Attorney at law specialised in tax law

Born in 1961, attorney at law since 1991
Languages: English, French

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 206
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Advice on company and tax law, in particular formation and restructuring of companies
  • M&A
  • regulations of corporate succession and inheritance, each including the assessment of the relevant tax issues
  • tax law consultation in tax investigations or auditing, appeal proceedings and fiscal court proceedings
  • “Bankrottdelikte und übertragende Sanierung” (bankruptcy offences and reorganisation by transfer), RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, 1993
  • Schwedhelm / Heinemann / Mohr “Gründung, Gestaltung und Betreuung der GmbH” (establishing, structuring and assisting the German Limited liability Company), Stollfuß 1995
  • Tillmann / Mohr “GmbH-Geschäftsführer” (menaging director of a German Limited liability company), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 11. Auflage
  • 2020″Praxisratgeber Unternehmertestament” (practical guide to the entrepreneur’s testament), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 2001
  • “Die Angemessenheit der Gesamtvergütung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers im Gesellschaftsrecht” (reasonableness of the total remuneration of the managing director of German Limited liability companies in Company law), GmbH-Rsch. 2011, 402
  • “Zur Schiedsklausel in der GmbH-Satzung” (the arbitration clause included in the articles of association of a German Limited liability Company), in: Festschrift für Michael Streck, 2011
  • “Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – eine Lösung der Gewährleistungsprobleme beim Unternehmenskauf?” (Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – a solution of the problems of guarantees in case of company transaktions?), in: Festschrift für Bruno M. Kübler, 2015
  • Regelmäßige Veröffentlichungen in “der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” (regular publications in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG
Other activities
  • Lecturer at seminars and conferences on company and tax law (in particular German Bar Academy and Centrale für GmbH); member of the preliminary examination board “Lawyer specialised in tax law” of the Bar Association of Cologne
  • Member in the executive committee of the “Working Group on Commercial and Company Law” within the German Bar Association.
Attorney at law specialised in tax law
Tobias Kordes, LL.M.
Attorney at law specialised in tax law

Born in 1974, attorney at law since 2003
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 212
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Liability of tax consultants and auditors
  • D&O liability/D&O insurance
  • pecuniary damage liability insurance
  • tax law/tax offences law
  • company law
  • litigation
  • “Gestaltungen mit Treuhandverhältnissen [arrangements with trust relationships]” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2006, 44 et seqq.
  • “Problemfälle der GmbH –Managerbeteiligungsmodelle [Problems of the GmbH – managers’ profit sharing models” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 21 et seqq.
  • “Die Gesellschafterversammlung der GmbH & Co KG [The shareholders’ meetings of the GmbH & Co. KG” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 349 et seqq.
  • “Upstream-Darlehen [Upstream loans] and Cash-Pooling in der GmbH” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2009, 342, “D&O-Versicherung: Zusammentreffen von wissentlicher Pflichtverletzung und weiteren fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzungen [D&O insurance: concurrence of conscientious breach of duty and other negligent breaches of duty], published in recht und schaden (r+s) 2019, 307
  • “Nachforderungen von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen“ in GmbH-StB 2020, 265 et seqq.
Other activities
  • Member of the Association of lawyers specialised in tax law
  • Member of the German association of pecuniary damage liability insurance (DGVH)
  • Member of the committee “Commercial and Company Law” of the Bar Association of Cologne
Attorney at law specialised in tax law