Benefit from advice provided by highly specialised lawyers – in expert teams tailored to your needs

Our lawyers provide you with their advice and assistance in their relevant practice areas as well as in teams of experts. These teams are tailored to your needs and are formed depending on individual requirements. In our law firm, individual fields of expertise complement each other: You are always provided with competent assistance of the highest quality.

Customized, personalised advice: this makes WIRTZ KRANEIS your quality law firm and is key to your success in legal matters.

Jörg Reinartz
Attorney at law specialised in insurance law

Born in 1960, attorney at law since 1990
Languages: English, Italian

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 211
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 333

Practice Areas
  • Liability and insurance law
  • law of tenancy, leasing law (including defence of recourse claims against lawyers and notaries relating to law of tenancy)
  • real estate law, in particular drafting of contracts and providing advice in case of termination of contract as well as public-law issues related to real estate law
  • competition and trade mark law
Other activities
  • Member of the Association EDP and Law of Cologne
  • Member of the German-Italian Association of Lawyers
  • Member of the German Association of pecuniary damage liability insurances (DGVH)
  • Member of the Society for Foreign Law
  • Member of the working group on Tenancy Law and Condominium Law within the German Bar Association
  • Member of the Bar Society of Cologne
  • Member of the German Association for Industrial Property Rights and Copyrights
Attorney at law specialised in insurance law
Dr. Randolf Mohr
Attorney at law specialised in tax law

Born in 1961, attorney at law since 1991
Languages: English, French

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 206
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Advice on company and tax law, in particular formation and restructuring of companies
  • M&A
  • regulations of corporate succession and inheritance, each including the assessment of the relevant tax issues
  • tax law consultation in tax investigations or auditing, appeal proceedings and fiscal court proceedings
  • “Bankrottdelikte und übertragende Sanierung” (bankruptcy offences and reorganisation by transfer), RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, 1993
  • Schwedhelm / Heinemann / Mohr “Gründung, Gestaltung und Betreuung der GmbH” (establishing, structuring and assisting the German Limited liability Company), Stollfuß 1995
  • Tillmann / Mohr “GmbH-Geschäftsführer” (menaging director of a German Limited liability company), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 11. Auflage
  • 2020″Praxisratgeber Unternehmertestament” (practical guide to the entrepreneur’s testament), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG, 2001
  • “Die Angemessenheit der Gesamtvergütung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers im Gesellschaftsrecht” (reasonableness of the total remuneration of the managing director of German Limited liability companies in Company law), GmbH-Rsch. 2011, 402
  • “Zur Schiedsklausel in der GmbH-Satzung” (the arbitration clause included in the articles of association of a German Limited liability Company), in: Festschrift für Michael Streck, 2011
  • “Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – eine Lösung der Gewährleistungsprobleme beim Unternehmenskauf?” (Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – a solution of the problems of guarantees in case of company transaktions?), in: Festschrift für Bruno M. Kübler, 2015
  • Regelmäßige Veröffentlichungen in “der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” (regular publications in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG
Other activities
  • Lecturer at seminars and conferences on company and tax law (in particular German Bar Academy and Centrale für GmbH); member of the preliminary examination board “Lawyer specialised in tax law” of the Bar Association of Cologne
  • Member in the executive committee of the “Working Group on Commercial and Company Law” within the German Bar Association.
Attorney at law specialised in tax law
Dr. Thomas Klein
Attorney at law specialised in tax law | attorney at law specialised in commercial and company law

Born in 1964, attorney at law since 1994
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 213
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Company law, in particular the controversial winding ups of partnerships as well as M&A
  • D&O liability
  • banking and capital market law
  • tax law, in particular recourse proceedings against auditors and tax consultants as well as recourse proceedings against lawyers and notaries involving tax and company law issues
  • law of succession
Other activities
  • Member of the Association of Lawyers specialised in Tax Law
  • Member of the German Association of pecuniary damage liability insurances (DGVH)
  • Member of the Banking Law Association
  • Member of the committee on banking and capital market law within the Bar Association of Cologne
  • Member of the Preliminary Examination Board of the Bar Association of Cologne “Lawyer specialised in Commercial and Company Law”
  • Publications in “GmbH-Steuerberater” [journal for tax consultants of German limited liability companies], Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG; lecturer at the Centrale für GmbH (“Conflicts in the limited liability company under German law and the German limited partnership with a GmbH as general partner”)
Attorney at law specialised in tax law | attorney at law specialised in commercial and company law
Manfred Meyer
Attorney at law specialised in labour law

Born in 1960, attorney at law since 1990
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 216
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 333

Practice Areas
  • Labour law (including recourse proceedings against lawyers involving labour law issues);
  • law of commercial agents and authorised dealers;
  • media and copyright law
  • “Das Status-Feststellungsverfahren für den GmbH-Geschäftsführer [the status declaration procedure for the managing director of a German limited liability company]”, in „Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2012, 154 et seqq.
  • “Manager-Haftpflicht: Gut genug versichert?” [Manager liability: Is the insurance cover sufficient?], in “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2012, 340 et seqq.
Other activities
  • Member of the German-American Lawyers Association
  • Member of the working group on labour law within the German Bar Association
  • Member of the working group on intellectual property & media within the German Bar Association
Attorney at law specialised in labour law
Volker Schmitz-Vollbracht
Attorney at law

Born in 1968, attorney at law since 1997
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 214
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 333

Practice Areas
  • Insolvency law
  • official liability law including notary’s liability, professional liability law (physicians, lawyers, architects, experts)
  • IT and data processing (EDP) law
  • building and architects’ law as well as public building law
  • sales and distribution law
Other activities
  • Member of the working group on insolvency law and reorganisation within the German Bar Association
  • Member of the German Society for Building Law
  • Member of the German Association of pecuniary damage liability insurances (DGVH)
Tobias Kordes, LL.M.
Attorney at law specialised in tax law

Born in 1974, attorney at law since 2003
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 212
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Liability of tax consultants and auditors
  • D&O liability/D&O insurance
  • pecuniary damage liability insurance
  • tax law/tax offences law
  • company law
  • litigation
  • “Gestaltungen mit Treuhandverhältnissen [arrangements with trust relationships]” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2006, 44 et seqq.
  • “Problemfälle der GmbH –Managerbeteiligungsmodelle [Problems of the GmbH – managers’ profit sharing models” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 21 et seqq.
  • “Die Gesellschafterversammlung der GmbH & Co KG [The shareholders’ meetings of the GmbH & Co. KG” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2007, 349 et seqq.
  • “Upstream-Darlehen [Upstream loans] and Cash-Pooling in der GmbH” in the journal “Der GmbH-Steuer-Berater” 2009, 342, “D&O-Versicherung: Zusammentreffen von wissentlicher Pflichtverletzung und weiteren fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzungen [D&O insurance: concurrence of conscientious breach of duty and other negligent breaches of duty], published in recht und schaden (r+s) 2019, 307
  • “Nachforderungen von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen“ in GmbH-StB 2020, 265 et seqq.
Other activities
  • Member of the Association of lawyers specialised in tax law
  • Member of the German association of pecuniary damage liability insurance (DGVH)
  • Member of the committee “Commercial and Company Law” of the Bar Association of Cologne
Attorney at law specialised in tax law
Paul Fuchs
Attorney at law

Born in 1981, attorney at law since 2015
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 209
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 333

Practice Areas
  • Road transport law
  • liability and insurance law
  • building law
  • architects’ law
  • liability law (in particular defence of recourse claims against lawyers and notaries)
Attorney at law
Anette Vorpahl
Attorney at law specialised in family law | attorney at law specialised in labour law

Born in 1971, attorney at law since 1999
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 205
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Family law (including defence of recourse claims against lawyers relating to family law), in particular advice on separation and prudent division of property
  • representation in divorce proceedings and any related proceedings
  • parents’ maintenance
  • labour law (including defence of recourse claims against lawyers relating to labour law)
  • representation of employers and employees in judicial and extrajudicial matters
  • law of contract
Other activities
  • Member of the German Bar Association
  • Member of the working group on family law within the German Bar Association
  • Member of the Bar Association of Cologne
  • Many years of TV shows on family law in the legal magazine “Justitia” on TV Mittelrhein and Westerwald-TV
Attorney at law specialised in family law | attorney at law specialised in labour law
Sabine Michels, LL.M.
Attorney at law

Born in 1992, attorney at law since 2019
Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 206
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Company law, controversial winding ups of partnerships
  • Recourse proceedings against lawyers and notaries involving company law issues
  • Liability of tax consultants and auditors
Attorney at law
Moritz Battenfeld, LL.M.
Attorney at law

Born in 1988, attorney at law since 2021

Languages: English, Portuguese

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 202
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Liability, third-party liability, insurance policies
  • Corporate structure, shareholder disputes
  • Tax planning and tax disputes
Matthias Golla
Attorney at law

born in 1983, attorney at law since 2022

Languages: English

Telephone: +49 221-272 50 – 0
Telefax: +49 221-272 50 – 333

Practice Areas
  • Liability and insurance law
  • law of tenancy, leasing law (including defence of recourse claims against lawyers and notaries relating to law of tenancy)
  • real estate law, in particular drafting of contracts and providing advice in case of termination of contract as well as public-law issues related to real estate law
Attorney at law
Luz Maria Lüdtke
Attorney at law

Born in 1993, attorney at law since 2023

Languages: English, French, Spanish

Telephone: (0221) 272 50 – 0
Telefax: (0221) 272 50 – 222

Practice Areas
  • Labour law
  • Family law
Attorney at law